This is it, the third and final installment of Gallivanting in Paris...
We escaped the evil cats of death unscathed and found ourselves at a World War I memorial. The French really know how to commemorate veterans, kings, or just about anything, with a huge ornate structure that tourists flock to marvel at...
I know what you are saying. "Hey, Matt, that's not THAT impressive. Sure, it's a big stone gate with some fancy statues, but you can find that in ANY country."
My answer: No, Mr. Skepticmun, you cannot. I give you the view from underneath...
Yes, that was all hand carved. This is why France is awesome...
Next, we journeyed to Notre Dame, that place where they filmed The Hunchback of Notre Dame, you know, that Disney movie...
From afar, it's not THAT impressive, but up close, you can see how brilliant the set design really is...
That movie must have cost a fortune..:-P
When the sun began to set, we headed back to our hotel. I snapped a few more pictures on the way...
That night, April 10th, I sat in the hotel room eagerly anticipating the stroke of midnight. When it did, this happened...
Twenty one years old and I'm still just a big kid. Tune in next time to find out what I did for my 21st birthday...
More to come..:-)
Friday, May 2, 2008
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1 comment:
You're such a tease! MORE MORE MORE MOAR!!!!!!!
The next entry better be full of hardships and vagrancy cause I fear you've been cleaning up the stories cause you think you're scaring me.
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