Thursday, May 8, 2008

And now for something completely different...

I feel like it has been forever since I did a non-Crazy European Adventure blog entry, so I'm going start talking for a while, completely oblivious to my surroundings, then snap back into reality and realize that it's 5:14 AM and I should probably be sleeping. Oh wait, I started this blog entry at 5:14 AM...

Well, then here goes...

I laugh every time some person several years older than me tells me that it sucks to get old because you get tired faster, you get random aches and pains, and eating thirteen chocolate frosted donuts actually causes a physical difference in the shape of your stomach. I know it's completely true. One of these days, my metabolism is going to rebel and I'm going to fall over in a huge heap having wrecked my body for the past few years. I've smoked (in the past), I've done illicit substances that, over time, alter the way my brain and body work, and I never exercise unless you count walking into town to obtain food. I eat..pretty well actually. I cook my own meals and always use fresh market ingredients. Still, I don't have a regular eating schedule. Sometimes I'll eat a huge meal, like, say, four plates at a Chinese buffet, then won't eat anything else for the rest of the day except for a roll and delicious stolen chocolate bars. Candy tastes better when it's stolen...

Right now I'm in pretty decent shape, but I'm completely unhappy with the way I look. I lost tons of weight backpacking and it has yet to come back, no matter how many peanut butter Kit Kats I eat. My arms are THIN, like, concentration camp thin. That's always what I use to describe myself when I haven't spent a summer eating mom's free food and lifting heavy boxes all day at my job. The winter FUCKS ME UP physically. Mentally, too, but we won't go into that. It's pointless to attempt gaining back summer physique now, though, I'll have to wait until I'm back in the states on June 1st...

There's something I can talk about. I have less than a month left in England. ZOMG!!!!1!!one!!1

Can you believe that just three weeks from now, I'll be in New Jersey again. It's weird. This whole experience is going to feel shorter and shorter the further into the future time drifts, until one day I'll only remember a few choice moments and perhaps the first names of the people that I've spent the past three months living with. Fading memories are a scary thing. Luckily, I have this blog to remind me that I've pranced around in Paris, visited Harry Potter sets, and was nearly raped. Wow, now this is turning into a recap "best of" entry. I guess that means I need to start thinking of some new material...

Okay, four paragraphs of rambling should be enough for my reader(s) to endure, I'm off to bed..:-)


1 comment:

Melissa said...

Guess what?

I'm in the same time zone as you :-P
