Saturday, April 26, 2008


Sorry for this not being a Crazy European Adventure installment, but what happened to me today needs to be bloggified ASAP...

Okay. Today, I went to York with Flower and his girlfriend Layla to hang out in this place called The Gardens, which is this big open field littered with thousand year old ruins next to a six hundred year old cathedral. Guess what I forgot to do. If you said charge my camera battery, you are correct. I will probably go back one more time, though, that place is my favorite in all of England...

Anyways, back to the story at hand...

Flower stayed in York because there was some drama between two friends and a girl, and also, he wanted to hang out with his York friends. Layla had to be back home, so I left for Newcastle when she decided to go. I got back to Newcastle and started walking back towards Knoll Court. About fifty feet from the main entrance to the train station, this random asshole blindsided me, knocking my glasses to the pavement. I picked up my glasses and kept walking, not wanting to start trouble with some coked up douche bag who was probably wielding a shank or something. I don't know, I heard that term in a movie once...

Anyway, I realized quite suddenly that I was bleeding profusely from the lip like..Bruce Willis in Die Hard after the main fight scene bleeding from the mouth. Nobody gets away with that, especially some chav outside of the train station in broad daylight. I walked back to the train station and told one of the guards there, who phoned the police. We stood outside and made sure the guy didn't run off anywhere, and the cops showed up about five minutes later. I pointed the guy out, and he was promptly arrested. Now that guy is stuck in a jail cell for two days on assault charges, and I got free medical attention and a glass of water at the station...

I win..:-)



Melissa said...


Oh Matthew. I know I should probably be concerned, but as long as you're alright, that's probably the single funniest image you've provided me with during this whole time we've been apart. Here's what it looks like in my head:

Matt- ::whistling:: Just miiinding my business, la la la la laaa.
Random Chav- HAVE AT YOU!!!! ::Irish-boxer punch::


Wishing I were there to nurse your wounds,

your HBoO

Suldog said...

Damn! Random violence (especially when directed at yourself) is the ultimate in suckage. Glad you got a blog out of it, anyway.