Two men showed up at my door to install both digital cable and high speed internet. Wait, no. Let me start again. One man showed up at my door, the other was already lounging in the back of the van on a cigarette break. After taking a quick look around the house, the other left to join him. After fiddling with the box outside for fifteen minutes, they entered the house and stood baffled at the crappy wiring job my landlord had done. Finally, they got to work, but, once everything was hooked up, I still had no TV or internet. Instead of contacting somebody who knew what to do, they both decided to call their friends and discuss their plans for the evening (drinking and smoking with homies). Their next order of business was to offer me drugs, to which I suggested they call Comcast directly and ask for assistance with the job at hand. This proved successful in the TV department, but access to the information superhighway (LOL) was still beyond our grasp...
Then, the unexpected happened. The two professional internet technicians decided that connecting me to the internet was beyond their qualifications and left. Yeah. They were gone and I was alone in my house with no internet. Again. Luckily, they had left a copy of my receipt with a previous owner's phone number on it, so I was able to call Comcast and get ahold of a representative who registered my modem and fixed all my problems. Now, I have the internet. Well, sort of...
This is where cable and internet should be...
Oh, Trenton. How I love inhabiting thee. Cough.
Holy shit. Cable folk never cease to amaze me. I've had some good ones - last Saturday, I had a really nice guy and he knew what he was doing - but, more often than not, they don't know dick. Amazing.
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