Thursday, September 18, 2008

Looking up...

A couple of days ago, towards the end of my shift, I happened to notice something wonderful. Though the primary purpose of carrying a camera is to ward off attackers with a blinding flash, capturing photographs is a little known secondary feature. Abandoning a customer desperately in need of a pretzel, I zombily* shuffled outside to photograph a phenomenon...


Later that evening, I was visited by extraterrestrials. A brilliant spherical light appeared in the sky above me. It remained stationary for several minutes, then disappeared behind a cloud. Moments later, it reappeared. For several hours, it hovered motionless in the sky. I was able to capture a photograph of the UFO...
I apologize for the graininess. My camera doesn't take night photos very well, so this is the best that I could do. I'm truly honored to have witnessed such a profound moment in history. I ask that everybody lay down their arms, hold hands, and welcome our new alien overlords in peace..;-)


*-No, it's not a word. Yes, I used it anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful skies. Ahhh... the sign of Fall. Love it.
Hey, it's been a week since your last entry. What's up?