Sunday, June 29, 2008

My fellow species...

There are some things in life that are worth being punched in the face for. Snapping this photo was one of them. Call me an asshole, a cynic, a pessimist. I don't care. Human beings are ridiculous and deserve to be made fun of with little to no remorse. Myself included. Aside from the casino, the boardwalk, and probably NASCAR, there are few places on earth that attract the insane moreso than the pool store...

I present to you, reader(s) of my blog, with the specimen above. Wearing dark shades to hide his aging eyes, he lets his shaggy mane go unwashed for days. His red polo with checkered sleeves and collar show that he knows how to combine business and casual ware with relative ease. Nothing, however, says, "I'm awkward confident!" more than that shorts/socks combination. I don't care what anybody says, it takes massive balls of steel to leave the house looking like that...

I just hope those skin tight cutoffs don't chaff..:-|



Suldog said...

He probably fancies himself looking like a soccer player. My guess, anyway.

Anonymous said...

those cut offs are hawt.

HAWT, I say.