Monday, December 31, 2007

A Tim Burton weekend... least favorite form of entertainment, musical movies. I love movies, and I love music. I even have a newfound love of Broadway musicals (specifically, Spring Awakening, Avenue Q, Sweeney Todd, and Les Miserables), but musical movies are just awful. Until last night, I would watch a musical movie and shake my head in disgust. There is something about a massive choreographed dance number on the big screen that destroys my suspension of disbelief and kills movies on the spot. All of that was changed last night by Tim Burton's interpretation of Sweeney. Absolutely fucking brilliant. I'm a huge fan of the music (Thanks to HBoO), and despite the slightly lackluster vocal performances of Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, the movie was incredible. I'm a biased asshole, having listened to nothing but the Sweeney revival soundtrack for the past month or so and getting completely absorbed by the incredible vocal performances and nuances, but I don't care. The movie was awesome! Visually stunning, musically brilliant, and amazing performances by Alan Rickman, Sacha Baron Cohen, and the kid that played Toby. I'm stunned at how good it was...

Sweeney was not the only movie I watched this weekend, as can be told by this entry's title. The day prior, HBoO and I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas which I had seen and she had not. I love it, really fun movie. Also, since I hadn't seen it in years, I had a newfound appreciation for how brilliant Danny Elfman's soundtrack was. Some of the catchiest songs ever...

And that's not all. I was told today that HBoO had never seen Edward Scissorhands, so we watched that as well. Three Burton movies in a single weekend, good times all around...

So, the moral of the story is; Go see Sweeney Todd! Right now! Please..? Okay, good...


1 comment:

Melissa said...

thank you for leaving out the detail about how i bawled for like 20 minutes after edward scissorhands. duly noted.